
Has this thought crossed your mind lately as you worry about the pandemic?⁣⁣
This desire isn’t just your survival instinct — it’s your inner fire to live. 🔥 ⁣⁣
Feel that desire in your gut. Focus on it. Go deeper. Let it guide you to your best life and motivate you to start living it now. ⁣⁣
What does your vision of LIVING look like for you? What’s the pace of it? What colors, textures, sounds, people, and energy do you see and feel? What do you do? Who is around you? What is your mood?⁣⁣
A stressful disaster like this is, if not an opportunity, a forceful push to consider the hard questions. As we worry about contracting the virus, the inner voice whispers, “What if I did die? Would I be happy with how I’ve lived?”⁣⁣
The good news? You are alive today. ⁣⁣
That’s all any of us are guaranteed. ⁣

If you knew you would get sick tomorrow, how would you want to approach today?⁣ ⁣

I want to live. I want to show love to the people I love. I want to create something. I want to hear a funny story and laugh and laugh and laugh. I want to look at the sky and smell a flower and I want to FEEL my aliveness while I’ve still got it. ⁣⁣

The pandemic is a global tragedy. But it’s also an opportunity to listen to that voice inside of you, to entertain that vision of your most vibrant life, and to let this disaster remind you that you have a burning desire to LIVE. ⁣⁣